Friday, September 9, 2011

When JK. Rowling meet Oprah

Just watch the two of my inspiring idol chatted on tv.
Both of them was awesome!

inspiring women

Oprah     :  What do you think about the rise of the failure?

Rowling :  "Failure to re-build the foundation of your life, failure means wasting a lot of things that are not important".

Oprah     :  What's the biggest thing that will make you happy?
 Rowling : Dumbledore in the first book say: 

"the happiest people looking in the mirror and seeing himself there".

PS : Kalo mau bahagia, banyak-banyaklah ngaca. Tapi, buat Alvie, kamu, iya kamu yang lagi baca blog ini jangan kaget kalo tiba-tiba PRAAANGGG!! kacanya pecah. eekekeke ^^ trriinggg! *menghilang


  1. Gue salah aaaapaaaaaa :( naksir doang kok

  2. ga salah apa2, lah siapa yg bilang salah? hihiiii...baguslah kalo naksir :0

  3. trus trus trus gimana lanjutannya? comblangin bisa kali :D
